Home » HOW TO GUIDE » EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS » Emergency kit japan : Where to start?

Emergency kit japan : Where to start?

Emergency kit

Have you prepared an emergency kit in Japan? Frequent reports of earthquakes and heavy rainfall dominate the news. It has been stated that there is a 70% probability of a Nankai Trough Earthquake and a major Tokyo Earthquake occurring within the next 30 years*. While we all understand the importance of preparation, it’s not always easy to know where to begin. Let’s start together with this guide, which will provide you with a foundational understanding. The information below is based on the document, “Disaster Preparedness Measures to Protect Lives” from the Public Relations Office of the Government of Japan.

*Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism

Table of Contents

Quick Video Guide

Emergency Kit for Different Evacuation Scenarios

When preparing emergency kit, consider where you might be, who you’ll be with, and the season. The supplies needed can change based on these factors and how long it may take for water, electricity, and other lifelines to be restored. To be well-prepared, gather necessary items for three different evacuation scenarios;

Scenario 1: Items to Always Carry

Scenario 2: Items to Take for Immediate Emergency Evacuation

Scenario 3: Items to Ensure Comfort During Home Evacuation After a Disaster

Scenario Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3

small bag


Stock at home

Your location
At Shelter
At Home

Emergency Kit Preparation : Scenario 1

Earthquakes and heavy rainfall disasters can happen unexpectedly. You might be in a subway or stuck in an elevator when they occur. Scenario 1 involves gathering essential items like emergency food, a phone charger, contact lenses, a whistle, and other necessities you may need until help arrives. It’s a good idea to pack them in a small bag or ziplock bag that you can carry with you at all times.

Stage 1 for Emergency kit japan: Preparation of emergency food

Emergency Kit Preparation : Scenario 2

When a disaster threatens your home or makes it uninhabitable due to collapse or other reasons, you must immediately evacuate to a safe place. In Scene 2, we’ll summarize what you should take when heading to a shelter or evacuation center from your home. Prepare the following items in a bag and keep your hands free. This emergency carry-out bag is called 非常用持ち出し袋 (hijouyou mochidashi bukuro) or 防災リュック (bousai ryukku) in Japanese.

  • Emergency food (canned food, nutritional supplements, biscuits, etc.)
  • Water (500ml bottles)
  • Valuables (cash, credit cards, bank books, rights certificates, insurance cards, personal seals, etc.)
  • First aid kit (plaster, gauze, bandage, disinfectant, stomach medicine, thermometer, paracetamol, household medicine, etc.)
  • Daily necessities (clothes, towels, plastic bags, portable toilets, wet wipes, tissues, multi-purpose knives, wrap, plastic or paper cups and plates, etc.)
  • Items necessary for evacuation (rain gear, work gloves, flashlight, etc.)
  • Items necessary for information collection (charger, portable radio, etc.)
  • Items necessary for individuals and families (glasses, canes, sanitary products, diapers, special care food, milk, baby food, etc.)
  • Emergency helmet (disaster helmet)

Points to Consider

#1 Make them easy to carry

Gather what you need until your family reaches the evacuation center. Choose items that are easy to carry. For example, instead of one 2-liter bottle of water, choose four 500ml bottles. Choose foods that do not need to be cooked and can be eaten as they are.

#2 Different needs among family members

It’s important to consider the different needs of your family members. For example, if you have an infant, you will need to include baby food and milk. Similarly, if you have pets, prepare pet essentials such as pet food and emergency toilets. Also, consider that the necessary items may vary depending on the season. Foldable emergency helmets (disaster helmets) and children’s sizes are also available.

#3 Store them somewhere reachable

It’s important to keep the emergency carry-out bag in a place where it can be immediately taken out in the event of a disaster, such as the living room, entrance, or bedroom. If you store it deep in the closet, you will not be able to take it out immediately during evacuation. Also, it is important to regularly check the expiration dates of food and batteries.

Stage 2 for Emergency kit japan: Preparation of backpack

Emergency Kit Preparation : Scenario 3

After a disaster, there is a high possibility that lifelines such as electricity, gas, and water, as well as logistics, will stop. When you return home from an evacuation center or when safety is ensured at home after a disaster, you may need to live at home until the lifelines and logistics are restored. To ensure a comfortable life even when the lifelines and logistics are stopped, stockpile the following items for at least three days, preferably one week, at home:

  • Food (including baby food and special care food for your family)
  • Water
  • Emergency toilet
  • Fuel (portable stove, gas canisters, solid fuel, etc.)
  • Daily necessities (wrap, plastic bags, dry shampoo, toilet paper, paper or plastic plates and cups, sanitary products, etc.)

What is Rolling Stock?

Lastly, it’s important to stockpile food and daily necessities in case the evacuation period is prolonged. It is recommended to prepare a one-week supply. Regularly purchase a surplus of long-lasting foods such as canned goods and instant foods, and also have emergency rations on hand. A recommended method for smartly stockpiling food and daily necessities is called “rolling stock.” With rolling stock, you purchase a surplus of food and daily necessities and replenish your stock as you consume them. This method prevents food from expiring and allows you to stockpile without taking up too much storage space. By stockpiling foods you are familiar with, such as retort pouches, instant foods, and snacks, you can also expand the variety of foods available during home evacuation. Consider using camping cookware and utensils in case electricity and gas are unavailable. For water, prepare a sufficient amount of bottled mineral water and consider emergency water that can be stored for a long time.

Stage 2 for Emergency kit japan: Preparation of food stock

Profile of Supervisor

profile of supervisor

Key Takeaways

Scenario 1: Items to Carry at All Times

Gather essential items you carry with you daily. Prepare emergency food, a cellphone charger, contact lenses, and other items you may need until rescue arrives.

Scenario 2: Items to Take Immediately During Emergency Evacuation

It’s important to keep a backpack with survival items in a place where it can be immediately taken out, such as the entrance or living room. Ensure you can quickly access it during a disaster. Also, prepare a helmet to protect your head.

Scenario 3: Prepare for Extended Evacuation

To prepare for a prolonged evacuation, it’s important to stockpile food and daily necessities. It is recommended to prepare about a week’s worth of supplies.


Reference: the Public Relations Office of the Government of Japan, 災害時に命を守る一人ひとりの防災対策, May 2024, https://www.gov-online.go.jp/useful/article/201108/6.html

Reference: Taito City Office, 在宅避難と備蓄について, May 2024, https://www.city.taito.lg.jp/bosai/suigaibousai/hinan/zaitakuhinan_bichiku.html

Reference: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries,簡単!「ローリングストック」, May 2024, https://www.maff.go.jp/j/zyukyu/foodstock/guidebook/pdf/stockguide-3.pdf

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