In the Japanese gardens of The Prince Sakura Tower Tokyo, Grand Prince Hotel Takanawa, and Grand Prince Hotel Shin Takanawa located in the Takanawa area, Kawazu cherry blossoms are heralding the arrival of spring. As of 9:00 A.M. on February 5th, there are 6 blossoms blooming in the garden. Despite being just a 5-minute walk from Shinagawa Station in the heart of the city, the Prince Hotels in the Takanawa area boast approximately 20,000 square meters of Japanese gardens. Starting with the blooming of Kawazu cherry blossoms in February, approximately 210 cherry trees of 17 varieties will bloom one after another, allowing visitors to enjoy cherry blossoms for about three months.
Additionally, from March 8th (Friday) to April 14th (Sunday), the “Takanawa Sakura Festival 2024” will be held, offering special experiences to enjoy the cherry blossoms in the Japanese garden and traditional culture. This includes options such as hotel stays where you can fully enjoy the cherry blossoms outside the window, traditional Japanese confectionery making experiences, and special dinner courses available only during this season. For more details, please see the link below.
Further Details: View Website
Address: 3-13-1 Takanawa, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan